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How to update profile data
Where and how to update data about your organisation
1. Click profile icon
To change your profile data, you have to click on the profile icon on the top right.
2. Click ‘Edit Profile’ button
Now, a menu (‘drawer’) should appear on the right-hand side. Here, click on the ‘Edit Profile’ button.
3. Edit Data
To update your organisation’s general data or contact information, click on the green pencil icons located on the right side of each respective section.
After making the necessary changes, ensure you save your updates to apply them successfully.
General Organisation Data
Click the green pencil icon in the Overview section to edit details such as your description, certifications and other relevant information.
Contact Data
To modify your contact details, click the green pencil icon in the Contact Data section.
Please note: Name, Website, Currency, and Email Address cannot be changed directly by the supplier. If you need to update any of these fields, please contact the support team for assistance here.
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