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How to manage translations
Instruction on handling and organising translations for your content
1. Check Translation Status
The translation status of every translatable entity can be seen on its card. Translatable entities are Products, Services, Events and News.
Like shown in the image below, the translations are displayed with buttons for all supported languages. A dark coloured button indicates that content has already been provided in that language, while a white background of the button means there is no translation available yet in that language.

2. Add/Edit Translation
To manage a translation, you can click directly on the translation button for any language on the entity card (shown in the image above). Alternatively, the buttons are also shown on the edit page of every translatable entity. By clicking on a translation button, you will be redirected to the corresponding translation page.
The image below shows the translation page for adding a German translation for a product.

Consider that English is the default language and therefore acting as source language for translations into other languages, namely German, Spanish, Italian and French.
On the translation page, the content for the target language always has to be entered in the left column. Don't forget to click the ‘Save’ button on the bottom right of the page after adding or editing translated content.
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